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The Scottish Adventure School

Residential activity centre in Crieff, Scotland, providing adventure holidays for schools and youth groups.

Set amidst beautiful Perthshire countryside, The Scottish Adventure School is a dedicated outdoor adventure centre for groups of children aged 7-13. We cater for up to 140 pupils each day and offer a variety of packages to suit all schedules, from 2 to 7 night residential activity holidays.

What We Do

The Scottish Adventure School was established to provide exceptional outdoor adventures to children across the UK. Our passion for excellence inspired us in the beginning and continues to drive us today.
Nestled in the picturesque grounds of Ardvreck School, we pride ourselves on offering an outstanding adventure experience that will create memories that last a lifetime.
Book your school's next holiday with us and try for yourself!


Activity Highlights

We offer multiple adventurous activities that children (and adults) absolutely love. See our full list.

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Water Activities

Some of the most exciting river activities in Scotland, white water rafting, canyoning and gorge walking are all exciting activities your group can experience.  Along with an experienced guide, you will navigate the narrow gorges and raging rapids of the River Tay. Just as amazing (with a little less adrenaline) your group can enjoy kayaking and canoeing expeditions in nature's playground. 



Experience the thrill and skill of mountain biking on the skills track and explore swooping bermy trails. For groups who have a head for heights we offer rock climbing, abseiling and a high ropes course, where children are taught basic ropes skills and enhance team building. Alternatively, embark on a weasleing adventure, best described as above ground caving and parkour mixed together! 



Discover all that Scotland has to offer by exploring hidden trails and conquering beautiful Munros. Guided by an experienced leader, you will be taken on an adventure through forests, streams and picturesque glens. 

Learn the exciting skill of bushcraft where you will be taught how to start your very own campfire, pitch a den and cook your own dinner by discovering what food can be foraged. 

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